Group of evergreen or deciduous shrubs formerly considered a separate genus; now included in the genus Rhododendron. 常绿或落叶性灌木类,以前被看作是独立的属;现包括在杜鹃花属中。
Any of numerous usually evergreen ornamental shrubs of the genus Rhododendron of the North Temperate Zone, having clusters of variously colored, often bell-shaped flowers. 任一种北温带的杜鹃花属属类中的通常常绿装饰灌木,具有丛丛不同的颜色,常为钟形的花朵。
Any shrub of the genus Rhododendron: evergreen shrubs or small shrubby trees having leathery leaves and showy clusters of campanulate ( bell-shaped) flowers. 任何属于杜鹃花属的灌木:常绿灌木或小的灌木树,有坚韧的叶子和艳丽的钟状的花丛。
But the azalea is one of the most common, and azaleas in a broad sense refers to the entire genus Rhododendron as many as several hundred. 但映山红只是最常见的一种,而广义的杜鹃花则是指整个杜鹃花属的数百种之多。
Results of observation of the cotyledon morphology of 104 speies and varieties of Rhododendron show that 1. The cotyledon morphology of four subgenera of genus Rhododendron is different, the scales are clearly observed in the cotyledon stage. 通过对杜鹃花属中4个亚厉104种或变种的广叶形态观察发现:1、杜鹃花属中4个亚属间的子叶形态差异较大,杜鹃花鳞片的有无从子叶上就可以清楚地看出。
Cotyledon morphology and classification of genus Rhododendron 杜鹃花属的子叶形态分类
Ecological adaptability of four alpine species of the genus Rhododendron transplanted from higher to lower altitude 4种高寒杜鹃对跨海拔梯度移栽的生态适应性
Three new synonymies in the genus Rhododendron 四川杜鹃花属三个新异名
Two New Varieties of Genus Rhododendron from Yunnan 云南杜鹃属两新变种
The relationship between four alpine species of the genus Rhododendron and ecological factors was studied by quantitative model analysis of adaptation behaviour, and the soluble protein content in leaves were determined after transplanting from high to lower altitude. 对4种高寒杜鹃进行了跨大海拔梯度移栽处理,通过可溶性蛋白含量测定、适应性表现的观察及模型分析,初步探究了高寒杜鹃生态适应性与生态因子间的关系。
New Synonymies in the genus Rhododendron from China 中国杜鹃花属几个新异名
The influence of uplift of Himalayas on the floristic formation of genus Rhododendron 喜马拉雅山脉的隆升对杜鹃属区系形成的影响
A systematic study of the genus Rhododendron ( Ericaceae) using micromorphological characters of fruit surface and seed coat 果皮和种皮微形态特征在杜鹃花属系统学研究中的应用